- Learn how to prep the body and mind for the lifestyle change
- What is a Keto Lifestyle
- Kitchen prep list
- Recommended Supplements for greater success
- Dos and Donts related to a keto lifestyle
- Pitfalls to avoid and fix if an issue arises
- Detail knowledge of how a keto lifestyle work, how your body trains itself to fuel your body in a new way
- By understanding how the process works will give you the ability to understand what’s going on and allow for any corrections
- Discussion on 14 different diseases that can be effected in a positive way on a Ketogenic Lifestyle such as: Cholesterol, Type 2 Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Add/ADHD, PCOS and more…
- Intermittent Fasting and the benefitsOur comprehensive online video course takes you thru all the aspects related to a Ketogenic Lifestyle.
The purpose of this class is to give you the knowledge to properly and be successful leading a ketogenic lifestyle and take control of your health
E-Book on living a keto lifestyle
Detailed Exercise Plan
Two Week Carb Cleanse Menus
Staying Hydrated Guide