Carb Addiction
Carbohydrate addiction is the dependence on daily consumption and in large quantities of sugar, products with refined carbohydrates or complex carbohydrates in general, which causes a feeling of total pleasure. This addiction, behaves like any other, being the main character to identify the need for more and more carbohydrates to reach the level of pleasure and satisfaction.

Ketu Flu
Your body naturally loves carbohydrates. They provide it with energy, comfort, and delight, and can, therefore, be very addictive. This “addiction”, like any other addiction, has some health risks. Consuming too many carbs increases the risk of diabetes and heart...

Who Should Do A Keto Lifestyle?
Who Should Do A Keto Lifestyle? As much as it is thrilling to try a ketogenic lifestyle, this dietary venture is not for everyone. Nevertheless, many people are subscribing to the ketogenic lifestyle every day. Case in point, Google reveals that there are more...

The Dreaded Keto Duo: Keto Breath and Keto Flu
Collectively known as the Dreaded Keto Duo, if you are looking into trying Keto out, let me first introduce these guys and let you in on some tips on how to overcome them.

Keto Sex
Keto and Libido, are they connected? There must be a reason why Ketosis and Keto sex almost sounds alike, right? What does Keto really do with our Sex Drive?

What is a Ketogenic Lifestyle?
What is a Ketogenic Lifestyle? If you haven’t noticed already, many people are nowadays making significant changes in their diets. People just don’t take the usual carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamin combinations as their everyday diet anymore. One of the...